Various striking Dutch films will be shown during the Visions du Réel International Film Festival in Nyon, Switzerland, from April 12 to 21. Among these films is "Burning Out" by Saskia Gubbels, a documentary about inclusivity within the Amsterdam fire brigade, which is competing for the Audience Award in the Grand Angle section. “Glass, My Unfulfilled Life” by Rogier Kappers, a documentary about pursuing a boyhood dream to become a famous musician, is also shown in this section. Marcel Mrejen's "Memories of an Unborn Sun", Sofie Benoot's "Apple Cider Vinegar" and "The Miracle of Almería" are other entries. Special screenings include “Occupied City” by Steve McQueen and “The Human Surge 3” by Eduardo Williams. “Grandmamauntsistercat” by Zuza Banasińska, winner of a Teddy Award at the Berlinale, will also be shown.

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