Several animated films will be shown at the Kaboom Animation Festival 2024, including "Box Cutters" by Naomi van Niekerk, about a young woman who survives an attack, and "I'm Perfectly Fine" by Dario van Vree, about a freelance illustrator who struggles with perfectionism. "Beautiful Men" by Nicolas Keppens follows three brothers on a hair transplant adventure in Istanbul. Daphna Awadish Golan's "Swimming with Wings" explores the immigration experience through the eyes of a young Israeli girl in the Netherlands. "King Worst" by Mascha Halberstad tells about a sausage competition that shakes up a village. Other notable works are “Wander to Wonder” by Nina Gantz, “Koet” by Marlies van der Wel, “Flatastic” by Alice Saey, “Penumbra” by Rianne Stremmelaar, “The Miracle” by Nienke Deutz, “Vivarium” by Daan Lucas , “Preoperational Model” by Philip Ullman, “Flow” by Adriaan Lokman, and “The Imaginary Friend” by Steye Hallema, which explore various themes such as environment, personal growth, and fantasy.

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