Today, Minister Van Engelshoven presented her 'Principles for Cultural Policy 2021 – 2024'. In her vision on Film, it is clear that she wants to focus on films and audiovisual productions with a strong signature of the maker. Which requires “more space for the development of scenarios and film plans”. She also wants to introduce a broad package of measures “to promote the individuality and quality of Dutch films”. For example, she thinks it is “important that filmmakers can experiment with new forms and work on their own signature, regardless of production (compulsion).” She emphasizes script and direction. She asks the Film Fund to “create more space for the development of film projects and the autonomy of makers - screenwriters, directors and independent film producers - and to organize the regulations in such a way that production pressure is curbed” and “to make clear choices regarding quality of productions and to continue the 'more money for fewer films' line.”

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